Maria Ortlieb

Relationship Managerin

Maria Ortlieb

Contact details

After training as a bank clerk at a major German bank, Maria Ortlieb completed a part-time degree in banking management and gained her first experience in private banking. She supported clients in the areas of wealth planning, asset management, risk analysis and succession planning.  Maria then spent several years supporting medium-sized and family-run companies in the area of corporate banking. Her areas of responsibility included cash management, investment financing, commercial real estate, international business and private equity financing. Maria's home is the East Westphalia-Lippe region, which has been her professional focus for more than two decades as a business location characterized by medium-sized companies.

In recent years, the topic of “corporate succession & Nex-Gen” has become increasingly important, which is why she has been able to actively support numerous companies and entrepreneurial families in this area.

hobbies: Familie & Freunde, Klavier spielen
sport: Ausdauersport, Snowboarden
volunteering: Engagement bei der freiwilligen Feuerwehr
travel: Skandinavien, Südeuropa, Asien


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