Hauck Aufhäuser Lampe strengthens the Management Board of its Irish subsidiary Crossroads Capital Management Limited
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Hauck Aufhäuser Lampe strengthens the Management Board of its Irish subsidiary Crossroads Capital Management Limited

Press Release

31. March 2022

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Press information

Frankfurt/Dublin, 31.03.2022 – Hauck Aufhäuser Lampe Privatbank AG is proud to announce the hire of two highly qualified fund experts for the further development of its Irish subsidiary Crossroads Capital Management Limited (CCM). As of April 1st, 2022, Kevin Bardon will join as new Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the company. He previously held various senior positions at Deutsche Bank, Bank of America, State Street Alternative Investment Solutions and Deutsche Capital Management Limited. In addition, as of May 16th, 2022, David O'Neill will join as Chief Operation Officer (COO) leading the operational development of our business in Ireland. He previously worked at The Asset Management Exchange as Head of Investment & Fund Services. Both appointments are subject to regulatory approval. 

Following the full integration of CCM into the Hauck Aufhäuser Lampe Group, the bank will increase the shareholding stake to 100 percent. In doing so, the private bank is pursuing the goal of increasingly offering its own fund services in an international context and thus increasing its brand presence beyond the German-speaking region. In this context, Donnacha Loughrey, who accompanied the acquisition and later the integration of CCM into the Hauck Aufhäuser Lampe Group, will be leaving the company by the end of April to pursue new challenges.

"Kevin Bardon and David O'Neill are experienced experts with whom we will promote the further development of CCM. Both colleagues have many years of market and management experience and are excellently connected within the Irish fund world. They are therefore ideally prepared to further enhance the growth of our Irish fund business and thus our location", says Holger Sepp, Member of the Management Board of Hauck Aufhäuser Lampe. "Ireland is the second largest European fund hub after Luxembourg and our Irish company is therefore a very important strategic element with regard to the international growth strategy of the Hauck Aufhäuser Lampe Group.

About Hauck Aufhäuser Lampe Privatbank AG

HAUCK AUFHÄUSER LAMPE can look back on 226 years of tradition. The house emerged from the merger of three private banks rich in tradition: Georg Hauck & Sohn Bankiers in Frankfurt am Main, founded in 1796, Bankhaus Lampe, founded in Bielefeld in 1852, and Bankhaus H. Aufhäuser, on the market in Munich since 1870. The two houses Georg Hauck and Bankhaus H. Aufhäuser merged in 1998, Bankhaus Lampe was added in 2021. The Bank's Management Board consists of the Chairman of the Management Board Michael Bentlage and the members of the Management Board Oliver Plaack, Madeleine Sander, Dr. Holger Sepp and Robert Sprogies. HAUCK AUFHÄUSER LAMPE sees itself as a traditional and at the same time modern private bank.

The private bank focuses on the four core business areas of private and corporate banking, asset management, asset servicing and investment banking. The focus of its business activities is on providing comprehensive advice and managing the assets of private and corporate clients, asset management for institutional investors, comprehensive fund services for financial and real assets in Germany, Luxembourg and Ireland, and cooperation with independent asset managers. In addition, HAUCK AUFHÄUSER LAMPE offers research, sales and trading activities with a specialisation in small and mid-cap companies in German-speaking countries as well as individual services for IPOs and capital increases.

About Crossroads Capital Management Limited

Crossroads Capital Management (CCM) is a fully authorised UCITS management company and alternative investment fund manager (AIFM) authorised and regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland, providing a range of services to investment managers and fund promoters across Europe. The company was established in 2014 and is based in Dublin, Ireland. In 2019, HAUCK AUFHÄUSER LAMPE acquired a majority stake in CCM through its subsidiary Hauck & Aufhäuser Fund Services S.A. in Luxembourg. The acquisition further expands the bank's global presence and offers fund initiators and distributors a wide range of tailored services in various jurisdictions.

