Total Return
Our clients determine their risk appetite, we manage their investment level. Systematic, model-driven and active. Ideal for investors with limited risk capital or balance sheet value floors.
Fact-based analysis of market data, fundamental and alternative data on the basis of verified findings of modern capital market research.
Systematic Investments
Fact-based analysis of market data, fundamental and alternative data on the basis of verified findings of modern capital market research. Transparent and risk-managed investment processes, comprehensible performance attribution and an experienced team.
Our clients determine their risk appetite, we manage their investment level. Systematic, model-driven and active. Ideal for investors with limited risk capital or balance sheet value floors.
Liquid Alternatives: The world's best UCITS hedge funds in one portfolio. Selected and allocation optimized by experts with many years of experience, with one goal: to make non-investable hedge fund indices diversified and cost-efficiently investable.
Systematic stock selection in line with scientific studies. Diversified across many signals with focus on quality and momentum. Active (no enhanced indexing) and with high tracking error.
Investing like a sovereign wealth fund - through diversified access to the world market portfolio with a high degree of individualization and integrated risk management.
As a modern asset management company, we follow the conviction of adding value to our clients' portfolios through the structured allocation of risk premiums.
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