Financial, foundation and succession planning

Financial, foundation and succession planning

The strategy of building up assets differs considerably from the strategy of preserving them or dedicating them to a new, for example charitable, purpose. In addition to the strategic aspects, there are also numerous legal and tax aspects to consider.


Thinking wealth one step ahead

Together, we develop a tailor-made strategy for your financial wishes and goals in the right asset structure for you. In doing so, we always take your family and business situation into account - across generations.

Our advisory services therefore include not only your personal financial and liquidity planning, but also advice on asset succession. This also includes our advice for foundation founders and our executor service.

Our services at a glance

Financial and liquidity planning

Each phase of life places highly individual demands on private and company financial requirements:
from the changing risk - return profile of the asset structure to the amount of retirement capital and liquidity planning for surviving dependants.

Succession planning

Effective succession advice helps to transfer assets to the next generation in an optimal and planned manner and to generate new opportunities for further development time and again.

Foundation planning

There are only a few limits to donations that can be used to make a social or charitable difference, ensure the preservation of the company or provide for the family.

Execution of wills

If you want to ensure that your last will and testament is carried out, you can appoint an executor. Appointing an executor has proven to be particularly useful for larger estates and complicated family or financial circumstances.

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Chief Market Officer Private & Corporate Banking and Member of the Executive Board

Oliver Plaack

"Your goals and values are decisive for our advice. That is why we are at your side as a personal and trustworthy partner in all financial matters - in the long term through various phases of your life and into the following generations. You can rely on the outstanding expertise and extensive experience of Hauck Aufhäuser Lampe Privatbank."

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