Hauck Aufhäuser Lampe launches fully regulated crypto custody services
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Hauck Aufhäuser Lampe launches fully regulated crypto custody services

29. March 2022

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Press information

Frankfurt, 03/29/2022 – Hauck Aufhäuser Lampe has completed the acquisition of Kapilendo Custodian AG, a crypto custodian with permission to hold crypto assets. Through Kapilendo Custodian AG, the bank offers services in the regulated custody of cryptocurrencies, tokens, crypto securities and crypto fund shares. In a first step, the focus will be on the custody of digital assets in structured fund products.

The custody is carried out in the form of private keys, which are used to hold, store or transfer digital assets such as cryptocurrencies. The connection to a cryptocurrency trading partner, which is also regulated and licensed, gives customers access to a wide range of products and ensures the rapid onboarding of new tokens based on existing standards.

"We consider the custody of digital assets to be an important element of our product offering – from our own crypto investment management company to the depository. This enables us to provide clients with an integrated connection to this new asset class," says Holger Sepp, member of the Management Board of Hauck Aufhäuser Lampe. "As the only German bank to date with a permission for the custody of crypto assets, we thereby offer familiar processes of an established private bank paired with reliable and regulated access to digital assets."

The crypto custody operations will be integrated into Hauck Aufhäuser Lampe's existing business, linking it to existing processes and products to cover the entire value chain. This will utilize the bank's infrastructure to provide IT services at a familiar institutional-grade level.

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About Hauck Aufhäuser Lampe Privatbank AG

HAUCK AUFHÄUSER LAMPE can look back on 226 years of tradition. The house emerged from the merger of three private banks rich in tradition: Georg Hauck & Sohn Bankiers in Frankfurt am Main, founded in 1796, Bankhaus Lampe, founded in Bielefeld in 1852, and Bankhaus H. Aufhäuser, on the market in Munich since 1870. The two houses Georg Hauck and Bankhaus H. Aufhäuser merged in 1998, Bankhaus Lampe was added in 2021. The Bank's Management Board consists of the Chairman of the Management Board Michael Bentlage and the members of the Management Board Oliver Plaack, Madeleine Sander, Dr. Holger Sepp and Robert Sprogies. HAUCK AUFHÄUSER LAMPE sees itself as a traditional and at the same time modern private bank.

The private bank focuses on the four core business areas of private and corporate banking, asset management, asset servicing and investment banking. The focus of its business activities is on providing comprehensive advice and managing the assets of private and corporate clients, asset management for institutional investors, comprehensive fund services for financial and real assets in Germany, Luxembourg and Ireland, and cooperation with independent asset managers. In addition, HAUCK AUFHÄUSER LAMPE offers research, sales and trading activities with a specialisation in small and mid-cap companies in German-speaking countries as well as individual services for IPOs and capital increases.

