Hauck Aufhäuser Lampe: Strong growth in 2021
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Hauck Aufhäuser Lampe: Strong growth in 2021

13. April 2022

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Press information

Frankfurt, 04/13/2022 – With a 40% increase in net interest income and a 39% rise in net fee and commission income, and a profit after tax of EUR 46 million, Hauck Aufhäuser Lampe closed the past fiscal year on a very encouraging note. The closing of the acquisition of Bankhaus Lampe KG, which was announced in the previous year, took place with the approvals of the regulatory authorities on October 01, 2021.

The past fiscal year was dominated by preparations for the long-awaited merger with Bankhaus Lampe, which took place on January 01, 2022. In particular, the Asset Servicing business area - with high inflows thanks to the unbroken trend in alternative assets - and the Investment Banking business area - with an exceptionally high number of capital market transactions - had a record year. With the merger of the two houses, the product range in Private & Corporate Banking and Asset Management was once again significantly expanded thanks to the now significant size. 

Key figures:

  • Assets under Service & Management increased to EUR 230 billion at the end of the financial year.
  • The core capital ratio is 14.5%.
  • Net interest income increased by EUR 13 million year-on-year to EUR 45.5 million in the reporting year, while net fee and commission income developed well above plan to EUR 231.0 million, compared with EUR 165.8 million in the previous year.
  • Taking into account the additions resulting from the acquisition of Bankhaus Lampe KG, the Group's total assets amount to EUR 11,760.5 million.
  • General administrative expenses increased by EUR 115.1 million year-on-year to EUR 276.7 million.

Michael Bentlage, CEO of Hauck Aufhäuser Lampe, says: "With this result, we have laid an excellent foundation for the upcoming tasks of our bank and at the same time see this as a confirmation by our customers of the quality of our product and service offering."

In addition to the technical integration of Bankhaus Lampe, work will continue in the coming fiscal year on implementing the strategy defined in 2020. This includes organic growth in all business areas using new technologies and the expansion of the product range, particularly in the area of digital assets and asset management.

About Hauck Aufhäuser Lampe Privatbank AG

HAUCK AUFHÄUSER LAMPE can look back on 226 years of tradition. The house emerged from the merger of three private banks rich in tradition: Georg Hauck & Sohn Bankiers in Frankfurt am Main, founded in 1796, Bankhaus Lampe, founded in Bielefeld in 1852, and Bankhaus H. Aufhäuser, on the market in Munich since 1870. The two houses Georg Hauck and Bankhaus H. Aufhäuser merged in 1998, Bankhaus Lampe was added in 2021. The Bank's Management Board consists of the Chairman of the Management Board Michael Bentlage and the members of the Management Board Oliver Plaack, Madeleine Sander, Dr. Holger Sepp and Robert Sprogies. HAUCK AUFHÄUSER LAMPE sees itself as a traditional and at the same time modern private bank.

The private bank focuses on the four core business areas of private and corporate banking, asset management, asset servicing and investment banking. The Asset Servicing business segment of HAUCK AUFHÄUSER LAMPE comprises the Financial Assets and Real Assets divisions. Here the bank offers all services related to the administration of investment products for independent asset managers, financial service providers, institutional investors, asset managers and management companies with a focus on Germany, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Austria and Ireland.

